"I come from a family that does not really like to get involve much in government and pretty much tries to stay away from politics. That is why when I first told we were going to be involving with the government I was a bit iffy and nervous but at the same time curious of what it is like to be involved."
By: Karen Rojas
My classmates and I volunteered for a few hours to be politically involved, if you have volunteered? If so how was your experience?
3 Responses
"Sometimes I feel unconfident, happy, appreciated, ignored, foolish, and unimportant. Today I felt like even if I was trying to help this organization campaign, people would choose to be ignorant and avoid the 'waste of time.'"
By: David Huerta, Obama's phone call campaign.
"I come from a family that does not really like to get involve much in government and pretty much tries to stay away from politics. That is why when I first told we were going to be involving with the government I was a bit iffy and nervous but at the same time curious of what it is like to be involved."
By: Karen Rojas
Wow! This must have been hard for you guys, I understand. I know how difficult it can be to volunteer and sometime people just ignore you.
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